Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What Can I Say:
So I advice you not to study this book for the sake of passing from an exam. What you have studied from the religion will be questioned hereafter. However, it does not mean that you don't have to study to avoid from being questioned. No, your laziness in all perspective towards Islam will be questioned hereafter.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
History of So-Called Human
Throughout the world history, a great many very different civilizations have grown up, ruled for a while and faded away when their time came. The level of craftsmanship reached by some of them is enough to amaze us even today. Yet these civilizations, which may have approached us or perhaps even surpassed today’s levels of mathematical, astronomical, medical and architectural knowledge no longer exists. The knowledge they had the unbelievable riches they acquired, their magnificent palaces & temples now stand empty and in ruins.
Despite all their powers and wealth, they disappeared off the face of the earth.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
What is The True Religion?
At first before you came to this world, relative to you, there was no time. Like that relative to this earth there was no time even before. Even much earlier, for our universe there had gone times that there wasn't a name and nor a time.
Like wise, there must be a reason why you are here. Let your mind think about this simple questions
- who must be responsible for you to be here? Ans: parents, of course, but...
- who must be responsible for you parents to be here? Ans: Grandparents... OK
- but like wise proceeding up to the beginning, who could be responsible for your grand grand... parent? Ans: ???
Of course some one must have dominion over this life cycle. Isn't it?
If man had evolved from monkeys why didn't we see man today being evolved from them?
Your answer may depend on a trivial logics, not fact, that there are tribal people on earth still and they are the answer for this question. But if so, why today's sciences don't give any fact (not even a single) of evolution? The other questions are,
- Is "accident" a name given to a God?,
- If not why this earth has all it's contents in proper measurements for the mankind to survive?
- And why don't that sort of accidents occur now?
- There are metals and minerals, why don't it form a machine that we build, just one accident hasn't happened to do it?
- More importantly, could anyone so far ever proved it? Text
Start to Think:
I find mostly the Atheists are people who relies on science and technologies. But the science itself has given the answers for this questions
"Little knowledge of science takes you away from God, in depth knowledge of science makes you a believer in God"
Seeking out "Who?":
The answer for this lies on evidences and proved facts.
A God that you and I believe must have the following characteristics:
- He should have infinite knowledge
- He should have infinite intelligence
- He should be everlasting
- He shouldn't have any imperfection that we, human, have
- His knowledge must be in everywhere
- And even much more...
Evidences from the verses of a scripture: Revealed in nearly 1500 years ago
"This scripture I wish everyone of you, take time, just read it (either translation)"
The Beginning of the Universe
Surah Anbiya, Chapter number: 21 verse number: 30
"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"
The Universe is Expanding
Surah Dhariyath, Chapter number: 51 verse number: 47
"We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof)"
Every living thing from water:
Surah Anbiya, Chapter number: verse number: 30
"Verily, we have created every living thing from water"
Shape of Earth:
Surah Naziyat, Chapter number: 79 verse number: 30
"And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse)"
the Arabic word "dha'haha, also mean the egg, not just egg, but the egg of an Ostrich.
Mountains that prevents Earth from shaking:
Surah Naba, Chapter number: 78 verse number: 6-7
"Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs?"
Every things is in pairs:
Surah Naba, Chapter number: 78 verse number: 8
"And (have We not) created you in pairs"
Sun rotates in its own axis:
Surah Anbiya, Chapter number: 21 verse number: 33
"It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course"
Life cycle of Spider:
Surah Ankaboot, Chapter number: 29 verse number: 41
About Bee:
Surah Nahl, Chapter number: 16 verse number: 66,68-69
About Ant:
Surah Naml, Chapter number: 27 verse number: 17-18
Embryology states:
Surah Alaq, Chapter number: 86 verse number: 1-2
Embryological stages:
Surah Muminoon, Chapter number: 23 verse number: 12-14
Water Cycle:
Surah Azumul, Chapter number: 39 verse number: 21
Surah Roam, Chapter number: 30 verse number: 24
Surah Muminoon, Chapter number: 23 verse number: 18
Surah Hijra, Chapter number: 15 verse number: 22
Surah Noor, Chapter number: 24 verse number: 43
Surah Roam, Chapter number: 30 verse number: 48
Surah Auraaf, Chapter number: 7 verse number: 17
Surah Fur'qan, Chapter number: 25 verse number: 48-49
Surah Fatir, Chapter number: 35 verse number: 9
Surah Yasin, Chapter number: 36 verse number: 34
Surah Mulk, Chapter number: 67 verse number: 30
Surah Tariq, Chapter number: 86 verse number: 11
there are so many number of verses for water cycle
Seperation of two types water bodies:
Surah Rahman, Chapter number: 55 verse number: 17-18
Surah Fur'qan, Chapter number: 25 verse number: 53
Plants have sexes:
Surah Taha, Chapter number: 20 verse number: 53
There are more than 1000 of verses that Qur'an speaks about scientific FACTS. Who could be able to reveal such a book in more than 1400 years ago?
It is now up to you to read it more to understand that the God that we have to worship is None But Allah.
So I just want to ask every one of you just to read this scripture, just give some time to read it. And think! OK you don't know Arabic, just listen on to it and get a translation, read it.
Arabic Language
Surah Yusuf, Chapter Number 12
This Surah was revealed in Makka. The main target of all the Makki Surah were to warn the people for the hereafter and Hell, Heaven,...(unseen) is true.
Prophet Yusuf was one of the mightiest prophets of Allah.
In this chapter there are 111 verses, I am going to sort it out in to 6 different parts and what is being told in brief.
Chapter Number 12: verses from 1 to 20
The verses talk about the dream/vision that Yusuf (PBUH) had: the eleven stars and the sun and the moon and all of them prostrating to Yusuf PBUH). And also challenges the Arabs (people of poetry) saying that the scripture Qur’an was revealed in their language to ensure them that prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was a true prophet. Proceeding, we can see that the verses from 4 to 10 talks about the incidents happened to Yusuf (PBUH). The jealousy of his brothers and their plan on how to destroy Yusuf (PBUH). But it’s when one among them says “Kill not Yusuf, but if you must do something, throw him down to the bottom of a well: he will be picked up by some caravan of travelers” {Yusuf: 10}. They then went ask Ya’qub (PBUH) to send Yusuf (PBUH) with them and ensure him a lot and later betrayed doing what they planned. Pretending, they came in the early part of night weeping and telling Ya’qub (PBUH) that a wolf ate him up, and for a proof they brought his blood stained shirt. Later a caravan of travelers cam and took up Yusuf (PBUH) while in try of water from the well. They sold him at a low price.
Chapter Number 12: verses from 21 to 40
The first half of these verse talk about the Egyptian who bought him and took him to his wife saying her to keep him. But as Yusuf (PBUH) grows up it so happened that Yusuf (PBUH) became a very handsome boy/man a human being ever can see from this earth. This unbearable beauty made his mother-like Lady: wife of Egyptian commander, to seduce him and Yusuf (PBUH) refused saying that “truly! he (your husband) is my master!. He made my living in a great comfort! (So, I will never betray him), verily the Zalimun (wrong and evil doers will never be successful” {Yusuf: 23} And the fact how they raced to the door eventually came up to meet the judgment of their lord (the master and the husband of her) and at last she was caught. But again when the women of the city talks about her and Yusuf (PBUH) she grew her anger and prepared a dinner, gave each of them a knife, brought Yusuf (PBUH) in front of them and saw their hands cut in astonishment from his beauty. There after Yusuf (PBUH) asked his master to let him in the prison though his innocent has been revealed to all. The last verses of this part [from verse: 36 onwards] speaks about his interpretation from dreams of two young men imprisoned.
Chapter Number 12: verses from 41 to 60
This part of the chapter talks about a vision that the king of Egypt had. A seven fat cows and seven lean cows. None could interpret his dream. But then a person who was ones imprisoned and who had seen Yusuf (PBUH) remembering about Yusuf (PBUH) told the king "I will tell you its interpretation, so send me forth" {Yusuf: 45}. And when in turn of Yusuf (PBUH) he told the interpretation, and King took him out of the prison and took him as his dearer. Yusuf (PBUH) later became the finance minister of Egypt. At last his brothers came to Egypt to purchase food. Yusuf (PBUH) recongnised them but they didn't. But then Yusuf (PBUH) told them to bring him their youngest brother Bunyameen (Benjamin) Or there would not be any thing (any food or any corn) from Egypt for them.
Chapter Number 12: verses from 61 to 80
The first half of these verses talks about their effort to bring Benjamin to Yusuf (PBUH). As soon as they brought him, Yusuf (PBUH) grabbed him to his room and revealed his real identity to his beloved little brother. Yusuf (PBUH) put his golden bowl in Ben's bag..... And kept him with Yusuf (PBUH) ( as a punishment on their brothers' faces). But they begged him to release Ben from keeping with the ruler of the Egypt (Yusuf (PBUH)).
Chapter Number 12: verses from 81 to 101
The brothers of Yusuf (PBUH) went back to his father in grief and told that what the ruler has said........ returned, said in full desperate to Yusuf (PBUH) about their status right then. Yusuf (PBUH) then questioned them about their brother Yusuf? what they did to him in ignorance? And finally revealed them that he is the one that Ya'qub laments and the reason why Ya'qub lost his sight. Yusuf (PBUH) forgave them and gave them his shirt to be thrown up on their and his father Ya'qub (PBUH). When the family came to Egypt Yusuf (PBUH) took them in full security in to Egypt, took his parents in to throne and fell down before him in prostrate. "O my father! this is the interpretation of my dream. Allah has made it come true" {Yusuf: 100}
Chapter Number 12: verses from 102 to 111
These verses up to the end of the chapter refers to Mohamed (PBUH) (and all of us) for a lesson about unseen. But most of do not know and most of all do not believe and attribute partners to Him even so many signs we see from heavens and the earth. And also warn us about his torment. Allah says to Mohamed (PBUH) to invite/call upon to islam with certainty and to us to invite others too. And the Qur'an is not a doubt, but a confirmation from Allah (SW). But few, those with understandings, believe it.
Prophet Yusuf
Prophet Yusuf (AS) is known as Joseph in Bible and one of the prophets about whom the Qur’an has mentioned most. For him and his family, one complete & a considerably long chapter is given in the Qur’an about him: Chapter no.12
The believers, who read the story of prophet Yusuf as of other prophets alike, will encounter many glad tidings and learn great many lessons.
Giving extra knowledge about the verse 35 of 33rd chapter, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, one of the greatest Islamic Scholar of the 20th century Prophet Yusuf ultimately spent 30years in the prison & exile.
The complete story of the chapter deals with patience and obedience to Allah (SW). The same like story is given in the chapter
The unbelievers have imprisoned the messengers and the sincere believers in order to prevent them from teaching Allah’s religion. The people were duped in assuming their guilt, despite their innocence, through the false accusations assailed against them. Yusuf (AS) was a prophet imprisoned for such reasons. Musa (AS) was threatened by Pharaoh with imprisonment. Musa (AS) however told him of Allah’s existence and said:
“The Lord of the East and the West and everything between them if you used your intellect” and Pharaoh in reply said “……if you take any deity other than me, I will certainly throw in to prison”
Childhood of Prophet Yusuf:
He endured many difficulties even in his childhood. One among them is his dream that he had about 11 stars talking about that the chapter 12 begins.
Qur’an tells that his brothers felt certain animosity towards him. They are envious because of his good behavior, sincerity & faith. Knowing this Yaqub (AS) warned Yusuf against his brother in verse 5.
Yusuf’s (AS) brothers were envious of Yaqub’s (AS) love for him to such an extent that they contemplated murdering him. The prophet Mohamed (SAAW) also warned believers against envy:
“Abu Hurairah said that Rasooluhllah (SAAW) said “beware of envy, for envy devours good deeds like fire devours firewood” (Abu Dawud)
The false Evidence Fabricated by the Alliance of Evil:
This comes under the verses that talks about how Yusuf’s brother had plane to throw him in to a well and to get permission from their father Yaqub (AS)
Theory of Existence:
1) State Fourier’s Theorem. What are its limitations?
Answer: Statement: any periodic function of however complex wavelength l can be regarded as made up of definite amplitude, phase and periods, the wavelength of the components being in the ratio l : :
:… or the frequencies in the ratio n : 2n : 3n …..
Fourier’s theorem can be expressed by mathematically as:
Y = f(wt) = a = ao + a1cos(wt + E1) + a2cos(2wt + E2) + a3cos(3wt + E3) +…………..+ arcos(rwt + Er) (1)
OR can be written as
Y =
Where a1 , a2,…….. are the amplitudes and E1, E2,….. are the initial phases of the components
Its often convenient to express the displacement ‘Y’ as sum of the sine and cosine functions. This can be done by expanding the cosine term in (2)
2) Analyses square wave with the help of Fourier Theorem
3) Obtain an expression for the frequency of transverse vibrations of stretched string. What are its harmonics?
4) Describe Kundt’s tube method to find the velocity of sound in solids